Anew – Woodbury Forestry Project
The Anew Woodbury Forestry Project is located on 5,738 acres in Caledonia, Lamoille, and Washington Counties, Vermont. The project lands consist of two tracts that were acquired by the Northeast Wilderness Trust (NEWT) in 2021. NEWT was able to purchase the properties to develop a carbon project using multiple sources of capital including an upfront prepayment from Inlandsis Fund that will later be repaid through the sale of carbon offsets. This carbon financing was essential for the acquisition of the properties to take them off the open market and enter them into the forest carbon program. NEWT underwrote its acquisition of these properties with the expectation of repaying acquisition capital through the sale of carbon offsets. Permanence of the carbon removals from the project is strengthened by NEWT’s implementation of a Forever Wild Conservation Easement on the property to prevent all logging and development in perpetuity. Inlandsis is the exclusive marketer of all offsets.
Category: Improved Agricultural Land Management
Project Description
Prior to NEWT’s ownership, the parcels in the project area were owned and managed by various entities, including family-owned timber companies, investment groups, and other private ownerships that engaged in harvesting activities. The Woodbury Mountain Wilderness Preserve is recognized as Vermont’s largest non-governmental wilderness area. Among the many ecologically important features the preserve protects, the most notable may be the headwater streams of the Lamoille and Winooski Rivers, both of which are tributaries of Lake Champlain, one of Vermont’s most important watersheds. The preserve is also a key wildlife corridor in the region providing connectivity between high quality northern hardwood forests, a diversity of wetlands, and 39 miles of headwater streams. The area’s ecological importance is not only recognized by NEWT and the State of Vermont, but also by Audubon and Birdlife International, who consider the area where the project is Vermont’s only ‘Important Bird Area’ of global significance. The acquisition, protection, and participation in the carbon project will ensure birds like Winter Wrens and Blackburnian Warblers are able to thrive in Woodbury’s contiguous Northern Hardwood and Mixed Softwood Forest in an otherwise fragmented and largely managed landscape.
Methodology: Improved Forest Management
Mechanism: Removal
Permanence: <100 years
Registry: ACR
Project ID: ACR720